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Astonomical Clock




Passionate About Inspiring Others

I have extensively studied Astrology, Numerology, Face diagnosis, Palmistry, the Five Elements, and Bazi Feng Shui. I got certified and mastered them all. It allows me to share my knowledge and wisdom through private consultations and teaching it in workshops while traveling the world. My consultations are thorough and comprehensive as I implement all of the tools and methods that I have mastered on my journey.


I am the proud mother of two wonderful and very spiritual boys ages 10 and 13 and currently live in Florida with my soulmate of 23 years and our two sons. We have a strong passion for travel and have been to 32 countries and 23 states. Travelling is my oxygen, I believe it's the best educator for all. Our passport is always up to date!

I often attend and also teach on healing retreats in a foreign land. 


Soon will be launching my new blog “How to Travel with Children on a Budget.” 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is next for me?


I have the vision to create a healing village for children where they can get free of dis-ease with dignity. A village where we can school them, by applying astrology, herbalism, meditation, and a lot of arts in their studies. A self-sufficient village. Where they will have access to all the tools and methods to get better.



How did I find the spiritual path?


As I look back on my life, I know I was chosen to heal and guide! I was stillborn. The doctors gave up on me and pronounced me to be dead, but a young medic who wanted to prove himself started to give me CPR and here I am.  Later they told my mom I will be mentally challenged because of the lack of oxygen. 

Between age 12-16 I lost 7 of my friends, through different tragic events. On their funerals, standing around the grave I realized I felt their spirits, calling me. It was scary and unworldly, I wasn't familiar with the feeling, I didn't know how to handle it at that time. 

Also, mediumship is running in my blood-line, my mother, aunt, grandmothers are gifted as well.

I believe all those personal traumas made me extremely vulnerable, and empathic, which opened the doorways to connect with the other side.

How do I approach it?

I always ask my clients if they are ready for the truth?

 Depending on each individual answer, timing their hesitation, my approach differs. I am still going to deliver the messages, stay authentic but will choose between being beautifully polished or radically honest. I understand words have weight and my purpose is to help and heal. I never let my clients leave with fear or bitter feelings. I am capable of delivering challenging aspects and wrap them with hope and remedies.

First I examine the palm and the face of each person using carefully the right words, the words for the vibrational match of each one of them, so they are able to utilize the constitution of themselves, hence the possibility of their problems and get a solution. 


How do I handle non-believers?


Non-believers are coming from a state of fear, perhaps a lack of information or misinformation. I understand the root of their skepticism. Unfortunately, there are a lot of charlatans, pretend healers popping up like mushrooms after a heavy rain, giving this amazing science a very bad reputation. I never want to convince anyone; I always guide the ones who seek my help. However, I have been accused wrongfully of what is always a gut ripping experience, but I know when my actions are based on knowledge and good intention my soul has no regrets.


The gift they taking with them:

Anyone who schedules a reading with me will find clarity and peace, will find practical applications in business dealings, personal relationships, and wealth and understanding in greater depth,  health, inner motivation, preferences, and personality.


What does being a witch mean to me?

A witch is a wise woman, who understands we are not this crude matter but spiritual beings. A witch is someone who can apply magic in her daily affairs, making a difference on regular basis. A witch is nothing to be afraid of, maybe a medicine woman. Someone who has clear visions.



Can it be learned?

It takes years to become a professional palm analyzer, but it can be learned. Along the way, you need to have knowledge of Astrology and a deep understanding of signs and symbolism. Before you make it a practice, I would advise having 500 studies done at least. It's a comprehensive knowledge and takes a lot of practice. Also, important to make it clear at the beginning I have the right to decline the reading if the energy feels demolishing instead of inspiring.


What is some advice to give people struggling spiritually?


I think collectively we all need to embrace our fear, our anger, our shadows, to enjoy stillness, to let go of resentment, blames, and stop looking for answers for the whys!

Instead, we all could do a reality check and start to answer the questions: how can I help ? and what can I do to make things better? Ultimately, we all here to serve, right?


  • Hometown: Nyiregyhaza

  • Currently living: Florida

  • Sign: Pisces sun sign with Sagittarius rising and Leo moon

  • Coffee or tea: My birthstone is the coffee beans. Coffee !!!

  • Never without. sunglasses and bra

  • Signature cocktail: "urbanwitch" tequila, mint, and ginger beer 

  • The last meal would be: watermelon

  • Song you wish to write the lyrics to...: it's a mix of Rebelution -Courage to grow, Damien Marley -There for you, Matisyahu - One day

  • Constellation: Ursa major

  • Tarot card: Magician

  • Every home need: a pet

  • Spiritual muse: Emerson, Jose Silva, Louise Hay, Yoda

  • Last trip you were on Cuba

  • Trip you itching to go: Anywhere I can see the northern lights from a glass igloo

  • Last book you read: Somaly Mam - The road of lost innocence  

  • Astrology amazing scientific tool, that helps us navigate through our recent earthy journey.

  • A witch will always...: live life through the magic

  • Art the most important outlet to express ourselves

  • I am a firm believer in.. healing through Gaia's pharmacy

  • I am deeply grateful for...: the trust of each person who let me guide them on their spiritual journey!

  • The world needs more: common sense

  • I am in pursuit of...justice, fairness

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