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Feng Shui, which means wind and water, is an ancient art and science based on the laws that govern the flow of energy.



The Chinese called this energy Chi or Qi. By making improvements with the flow of Chi in your home, you can create positive changes in your life.


Feng shui elements help you balance your environment, foster personal growth, and connect with nature.


Energy exists all around you. It exists as thoughts and feelings and comes from your environment. This environment also includes natural earth elements.

Your home surrounds you with energy. This energy can affect you negatively or positively. Feng shui elements play a strong role in balancing the energy in your home. Your soul yearns for harmony and balance — wisely using the five Chinese elements will help you to create a soulful place that literally radiates harmonious, highly beneficial energy.


The classical five Chinese elements are represented by wood, earth, metal, fire, and water.

Two cycles of balance are used to control or enhance each element as needed.


The wood element is used to enhance growth and creativity. Of the five elements of feng shui, the element of wood is most effective if you seek personal growth, intuition, creativity, flexibility, and expansion.


The earth element is ideal if you are seeking protection, stability, and security. Of the five elements of feng shui, the element of earth is the most grounding—it will help you feel more peaceful, calm, and still.

It increases comfort and will provide the support you need.


The metal element is closely related to mental prowess and intellect. It is a great addition to any feng shui office or workplace.


The fire element is the most volatile of all the five feng shui elements—it has the power to both destroy and renew. However, fire’s power to destroy is often seen as a means to rebirth at a higher level. It is a symbol of purification and regeneration. Of the five elements of feng shui, fire is best used if you seek transformation and change.


The water element represents purification and cleansing. The classic element of water also represents emotions. It will increase qualities such as sensitivity, empathy, and helpfulness. In excess, however, too much water element can leave you feeling overly emotional.


With my intuitive and individual design, I will combine the individuals, along with their family members, numerology life path numbers, and Feng Shui Kua numbers along with their Chinese and western astrology signs to create a compatibility chart. With this chart, we will create the best possible living space for overcoming difficulties. A good environment is beneficial to all aspects of your life and brings peace to you and everyone that you welcome into your home. 


 All information is confidential 

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